Decreases aging (reduces the action of free radicals and DNA production), prevents cognitive damage, promotes fertility and protects the body against infections. Reduces risk of cardiovascular and thyroid disease. Supports DNA production
Magnesium as a nutrient of great importance at the cell level, is responsible for modulating neuronal excitability, relaxes the muscles and promotes adequate blood circulation in the body.
It is an ancient medicinal plant highly effective in managing anxiety and stress as it regulates neuronal transmission at the brain level, improves the use of carbohydrates by the body and the action of cortisol, thus reducing anxiety to eat.
Zinc picolinate
It is considered an essential nutrient, since the body does not produce it but is acquired through food. It has an important role as a mediator in infection prevention and aging, growth and development, wound healing, and gene expression.
It favors the elimination of pollutants from the intestine (colon) through the action of oxygen, which generates a revitalizing sensation for it
Thyroid Support
Iodine extracted from leaves of seaweed and brown algae, favors the regulation of metabolism in general by stabilizing the function of the thyroid gland
Thyroid px
Helps stabilize the function of the thyroid gland and in turn the metabolism, body temperature, aging and cell death by stopping the action of free radicals
Creatina monohydrate
Pure Creatine (Creatine Monohydrate) is a product created to improve muscle strength, performance and recovery.
Bone restore
Provides the essential combination of nutrients for the maintenance of bone and joint health.
Karuna D-1000
Essential together with calcium for bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis, it strengthens muscles and improves reuronal function, very necessary when fighting infections.
Vitamin C, in addition to slowing down the aging process by stopping the action of free radicals, acts as a coadjuvant in the health of the skin, bones and cartilage, teeth and the maintenance of the wall of the blood vessels in addition to a flow suitable in the bloodstream
Al ser metabolizado provee una acción importante sobre la salud y el funcionamiento del corazón y los vasos sanguíneos además que fortalece el sistema inmunológico.
It acts as an antioxidant, reducing cell death and stabilizing metabolism. It also reduces cardiovascular risk, improves muscle pain and liver disease. Slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease
It prevents cardiovascular diseases by avoiding the narrowing of blood vessels and therefore high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction, reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia and diseases due to prematurity in the newborn.
Muscle Cramp /Tension
Helps relieve muscle tension avoiding cramps by providing a balance in contractile function. Reduces insomnia by containing an excellent blend of relaxing herbs.
B-Complex Plus
Promotes good muscle development and brain function, decreases the rates of depression and the development of anemia. And as an obligatory complement in people with diseases that decrease its absorption or in the postoperative period of surgeries for weight loss.
Collagen Creamer coconut
The importance of the intake of collagen lies in its multiple benefits for the skin, especially hair and nails, on the tissues by promoting normal healing and on the ligaments and joints, allowing us to stay active.
Collagen Creamer Vanilla
The importance of the intake of collagen lies in its multiple benefits for the skin, especially hair and nails, on the tissues by promoting normal healing and on the ligaments and joints, allowing us to stay active.