Give a Donation

Your gift helps us keep our doors open to make a difference for God’s glory. By contributing to Let’s Be Different, you join the community of supporters helping less fortunate people who need health care and support to cover their basic needs, such as food, clothing, and health equipment.

Thanks to collaborators like you, we were able to help an estimated 3,700 people the past year with a health program and distribution of hot and non-perishable food, clothing, and medical equipment (wheelchairs, canes, adult walkers, and position beds). We also provided activities for the elderly, bringing them different activities that make them feel important, and we also did conferences for schools about bullying and companies about stress.

We love and are passionate about serving! For this reason, we are very grateful for your contribution, which helped us not to lose hope of continuing to make a difference in a world that needs it.

We will remain dedicated and focused on providing excellent services to our community, always letting them know they are important to us because they are important to God!

Let’s Be Different team
Matthew 5:16

Give a Donation

Your gift helps us keep our doors open to make a difference for God’s glory. By contributing to Let’s Be Different, you join the community of supporters helping less fortunate people who need health care and support to cover their basic needs, such as food, clothing, and health equipment.

Thanks to collaborators like you, we were able to help an estimated 3,700 people the past year with a health program and distribution of hot and non-perishable food, clothing, and medical equipment (wheelchairs, canes, adult walkers, and position beds). We also provided activities for the elderly, bringing them different activities that make them feel important, and we also did conferences for schools about bullying and companies about stress.

We love and are passionate about serving! For this reason, we are very grateful for your contribution, which helped us not to lose hope of continuing to make a difference in a world that needs it.

We will remain dedicated and focused on providing excellent services to our community, always letting them know they are important to us because they are important to God!

Let’s Be Different team
Matthew 5:16